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How to create a free patient account in Medicai
How to create a free patient account in Medicai

Access your medical data anytime. Follow this guide to create a free Medicai account and securely store, access, and share your medical scans.

Anca Radosu avatar
Written by Anca Radosu
Updated over a month ago

1. Visit or search ‘Medicai’ on Google and click the first result.

📌 Tip: Bookmark the website for quick access in the future.

2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select "Patients"

3. Click ‘Upload my files’ to add your scans or access the ones you received.

4. Fill in the registration form with your name, email address, and password.

5. Set a password that has min. 8 characters, min. 1 letter and min. 1 digit

6. Read the privacy policy, terms and conditions, and then tick that you agree to them.

7. If you want us to keep you up to date with news related to the platform, choose to check the last box.

8. After filling in all the details, click on "Create a FREE account"

9. Then personalize your patient profile by choosing the address formula and optionally by adding a picture

10. Fill in the country, city, phone number and continue

11. Done, you have reached your free Medicai account where you can upload and receive unlimited imaging investigations and medical documents of any type.

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