Payment request
As a patient, you will only be able to pay if you receive an email payment request from your doctor. The email link will open a page with relevant information about the doctor’s name and the amount to be paid.
You can choose to pay by clicking on the Secure Pay button or to reject the payment request by clicking on the Decline payment button.
Making the payment
After accepting the payment request, you will be redirected to the actual payment page offered by MobilPay. It is a page where you can make a secure payment. You will be asked to enter your card details and personal data for billing.
After completing the payment, a page will open informing you that the payment completed. If the payment process could not be made due to errors, you will be notified to retry the payment.
Declining payment
If you decline a payment request, you are asked to confirm the action.
As a patient you will be notified by email when:
you receive a payment request
a request was canceled by the doctor
your payment is being processed by MobilPay
Medicai informs you that the payment was successfully made
MobilPay or Medicai informs you that an error has occurred in the payment processing you are reminded that payment processing was not successful